We run 4 Instructor Courses each year, and meet some incredibly awesome individuals who show us what it means to Never Give Up. We put them through their paces, teach them Bear's Priorities of Survival, and hopefully they leave with a huge sense of achievement that will carry them through their assessment to become fully qualified Bear Grylls Survival Academy Instructors.
In the coming months, we'll be profiling some of our core team of instructors, that you will most likely meet on our upcoming courses and events.
In the meantime, take a read of the testimonials from participants from this year's courses, and be sure to check out our Instructor Course dates for 2020. Hopefully we'll see some of you there, and welcome you into the fold!
"Brilliant weekend very informative and inspirational. It's definitely inspired me to continue with outdoor pursuits and helped me remember that we are all learning and will continue to do so and that's what life's all about."Andy Braden
"What a weekend! A really excellent introduction to working within the Bear Grylls Survival Academy. A big thank you to the team for their skills, knowledge and general awesomeness that really made the course something special. I'm so excited to begin my journey of becoming part of the BGSA team and getting onto the courses and events!"Kelly Bond
"Just completed the Instructors Course, 3 days of fun and learning, this is a course that no one will ever regret doing, I met some awesome people I will stay in touch with, the instructors are amazing at their jobs and super friendly which helps us learn everything we needed too, I highly recommend it"Ashley Bridges