7 Ways to Make Work FUN!

June 23, 2022

Simply put, "Work" is not the opposite of "Fun"!

Bringing fun into any environment means happy people and happy people are proven to be more productive, creative and enthusiastic; all of which are clear assets in the workplace.

We've compiled seven simple tips to inject a bit more humour into the work space, regardless of the nature of your business.

1. Regular Breaks From Desks

Encourage regular breaks to walk around the office or (even better) outdoors! Getting up from your desk to stretch and move around improves concerntration and if team members walk outside together to chat through something complex, the removal of distractions creates a focused space for more productive exchanges.

2. Make the Workplace a Space You Enjoy

Encourage team members to decorate their desk/ workspace to reflect their personality and create a space they enjoy being in.

Redecorating the office as a whole, to design a space everyone enjoys walking into each morning, sets the day off on a positive note and employees feel valued.

3. Encourage Laughter

Naturally we agree that it's important to maintain professionalism, but that's not to say that cracking the occasional joke or finding ways to make others smile won't go unappreciated and it's contagious!

4. Practice Daily Acknowledgements

Work to create a habit of acknowledging team members each day. Congratulating them on an acheived goal, a milestone reached or progress made, encourages them to speak to each other in the same way.

5. Eat Lunch Anywhere But Your Desk

Encouraging colleagues to step away from work and sit together over their lunch breaks offers a welcome change of scenery. Additionally when the late afternoon "slump" sets in, teams are likely to remain focussed as the daily work/fun balance improves.

6. Share Good Music

We might not all share the same taste in music, but there's no doubt that music brings people together and creates a happy atmosphere. As an example, each Friday morning a team member might share their playlist with the team for an hour - creating opportunities for shared laughs, bad dancing and an insight into each other's personalities.

7. Facilitate Regular Team Building Activities

Be it a fun afternoon bbq at work or a structured team building event, creating new shared experiences will improve morale across the workplace.

*Sources: Business Insider and Snack Nation