Launched in the UK in 2012, the Bear Grylls Survival Academy invites experienced and aspiring adventurers to join our expert-led survival courses. Our courses are tailored to their locations, maximising the unique challenges they each present and activities are inclusive to participants of all ages and abilities.

As we've grown and diversified our course offerings, we are proud to work with partners around the world who offer unique BGSA experiences to their respective audiences.

Our Partners

Founder's Loge, South Africa

  • Location: Founder's Lodge, a five-star Game Reserve
    in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
  • Courses launched in 2021
  • BGSA Experience as part of the Kids Conservation Warriors Programme

Sani Resort, Greece

Huitong School, China

  • Location: Huitong School in Schenzhen, China
  • BGSA Licensee since 2022
  • BGSA Experience: Young Survivors Programme

Parkdean Resorts, UK

Bear Grylls Explorers Camp, UAE

Aiglon College, Switzerland

NRMA Parks and Resorts, Australia

Hawar Resort, Bahrain

  • Location: Hawar Resort by Mantis, Bahrain
  • A BGSA Licensee since 2023
  • BGSA experience: Bear Grylls Adventure Zone - launching soon!

Submit a License Enquiry

The person completing this form must be at Director-level seniority
Please include the full address of the company, including city, country and postal/zip code
Please upload a copy of the company's most recent accounts to DropBox, or WeTransfer and share the URL below
Has the company been insolvent in the last 5 years? If so, please provide full details.
Has the company been the subject of any regulatory action or investigations of any kind in the last 5 years? If so, please provide full details
Has the company been involved in any disputes or court proceedings in the last 5 years? If so please provide full details
Please detail a summary of the company's business and activities
Please upload a copy of the company's current insurance policy to DropBox, or WeTransfer and share the URL below
Please describe in detail the licences the company would like to obtain from Bear Grylls Survival Academy and the details of your proposal for working together. Which language(s) will the courses be delivered in and what is the proposed start date

NOTE: By completing and signing this questionnaire, the company/ party acknowledges that the Bear Grylls Survival Academy is not obliged to continue any discussions or enter into any licence with the licensee.

 By signing, it is confirmed that the above details are correct.

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